Chapter Tyumen checked readiness of objects of USTEK for a heating season

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Very soon the heating season will begin, for preparation to which USTEK carried out the most large-scale in comparison with other periods repair campaign. Today the Mayor Ruslan Nikolaevich Kukharuk together with the prosecutor of the city Vladimir Bondarchuk and representatives of other departments estimated readiness of significant objects of repair campaign for the forthcoming heating season. "Total amount of means of repair campaign of this year the record: it made about 2,5 billion rubles. Today we see high degree of readiness of objects: practically all works are complete", – the Mayor Ruslan Nikolaevich Kukharuk reported...
Ruslan Nikolaevich Kukharuk
Last position: Mayor (Administration of the city district Tyumen city)
Vladimir Bondarchuk
Last position: Prosecutor (Interdistrict prosecutor's office of the Yalutorovsk district of the Tyumen region)
Matorygina Vera
Perekalsky Alexander