Gennady Tumilovich told how for fun asked Stanislas Cherchesov to release to him a place in "Spartak"

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The ex-goalkeeper of Minsk "Dynamo", and nowadays the trainer beach Football club "Kristall" Gennady Tumilovich spoke viewing in "Spartak" in the 1990th years. He told how for fun offered Stanislas Cherchesov to go to Europe and to release to it a place in team. "I spoke then: "Stanislas Cherchesov, well everything, well is time already. Change came worthy". It was correct, I answer. Now you know here this Salamycha, then he the normal odd fellow was. They sit with Tarkhanov something speak, to go, not to go, whether it is time to leave. Said that the successor does not see. I speak: "Stanislas Cherchesov how you do not see? Where to you there? "Dynamo"...