Students Institutes natural sciences and biotechnology visited the Oryol literary museum Turgenev I. S.

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In Knowledge Day students of 3 and 4 courses of Institute natural sciences and biotechnology together with associate professors of geography, ecology and the general biology  Anna Saraeva and Sukhanov Leonid visited the Oryol integrated BUKOO "OGLMT" where the day before passed opening of exhibitions "Turgenev Yvan and Dobuzhinsky Mstislav in Art theater" from Museum funds the Moscow art academic theaters. At exhibition sketches of scenery and suits of the artist Dobuzhinsky Mstislav to theater performances according to plays Turgenev Yvan "Month in the village", "Provincial" and "Parasite" are submitted...
 Anna Saraeva
Last position: Deputy (Duma of Samara)
Turgenev I. S.
Sukhanov Leonid
Turgenev Yvan
Dobuzhinsky Mstislav