Ministry sports Ukraine published the list 293 of the athletes who have not come back from abroad

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Ministry sports Ukraine published the updated list from 293 Ukrainian athletes who did not return from abroad after the end of competitions. It entered Spanish "Zhirona's" forward Artem Aleksandrovich Dovbik and the goalkeeper Portuguese "Benfika" Trubin Anatoly As of June 21 in the list of the athletes who have not come back from abroad was 227 people. Except Artem Aleksandrovich Dovbik and Trubin Anatoly who passed into foreign clubs this summer, included in number of the left the halfback Polish "Zaglembe" Sergey Buletsu and the player of the national team Ukraine on basketball Issuf Sanon. First version of the list of the left...
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
Issuf Sanon
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (BQ "Dnepr")
Dmitry Leonidovich Nimenko
Last position: The professional athlete on HK "Falcon" Kiev
Vadim Markovich Guttsayt
Last position: Minister (Ministry science and education, youth and sports of Ukraine)