Residents of Lipetsk sit without light with the flooded cellar: "That to mother, to the father, to the aunt, to the uncle send! "

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In the morning on August 5 in the house No. 52 down the street Astronauts disconnected electricity. There was it because water filled in a cellar and threatened to flood electroguards. Without light there was also the neighboring house — No. 50. — Three days are heated by the house No. 52! Pump out! Download! Anybody does nothing! We ask when there will be light? Answer when "RVK" will come and will clean. We started calling everywhere: in the city hall, in ZhEK where only did not call! That to mother, to the father, to the aunt, to the uncle send! We called back to all, we can show phones, is useless! Owner of studio (comment: on the first floor of the house there are commercial...
Ryabova Galina
Lenkovskaya Lyubov
Shatskikh Vladimir