Parameters of releases, offers and bukbilding

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JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "HIGHWAY-FINANCE" began collecting demands for acquisition of bonds according to offers. IFC "Migcredit", "Karshering Russiya", "Treydberri" and LLC pC "Smak" defined dates of placement and a rate of coupons. "Business Alliance" and "Dzhi-groups" will be opened by bid books. "Sibneftekhimtreyd" and "The trade management" was established by rates of coupons on releases in the address. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PHARMACY CHAIN 36,6" received a solvency rating. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MANAGEMENT COMPANY "ORG" summed up the results of offers. 01 JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "HIGHWAY-FINANCE" began collecting demands for acquisition according to offers bonds the BO-P03 series which will last till September 12. The acquisition price — 100% of the par value of papers...
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
PJSC Moscow Exchange
Main activity:Printing services
JSC Expert RA
Main activity:Communication and IT