With anniversary!

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The associate professor of mineral processing of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "KUZBASSKY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER T. F. GORBACHEVA" KUZBASSKY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER T. F. GORBACHEVA TO KUZGT Yevmenov Galina celebrates the 75-year anniversary. The staff FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "KUZBASSKY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER T. F. GORBACHEVA" KUZBASSKY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER T. F. GORBACHEVA TO KUZGT congratulates Yevmenov Galina happy birthday and thanks for honest work, professionalism and a big contribution to development mining and ours higher education institutions. Yevmenov Galina graduated from the Moscow institute chemical mechanical engineering in 1972, and in January, 1974 crossed a threshold Kuzbass polytechnical which for the rest of life became the only place of her work. On mineral processing chair it...