A star from our yard: where in Nizhny Novgorod there lived Natalia Vodyanova, brothers Kristovsky and other celebrities

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Opening the biography of the well-known person, often in the field "Where Was Born" can see Moscow or Saint Petersburg. But Nizhny Novgorod does not lag behind, and the list of stars a sort from the capital of Volga region the considerable. local portal "NN.RU" remembered, in what areas passed the childhood of eminent residents of Nizhny Novgorod — it became clear that some corners of our city especially "fruitful". In ours material you learn that, probably, lived on one street with the famous fellow countrymen. The list is opened by Natalia Bochkarev. Many remember it on Dasha's role in series "Are Happy Together". At the time of shootings the resident of Nizhny Novgorod was only 25 years old — since then her portfolio...