The credit line is open for TKB for financial that - the CarMoney service in "Bank" on 350 million rubles

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Soderzhaniyeistoriya 2023 Opening of a credit line on 350 million rubles in "TKB Bank" PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE allowed to auction actions of financial that - the company CarMoney Placement of Five Issues of Bonds on 1,5 billion rubles 2022 Transfer of head structure about Cyprus to Russian Federation Attraction of 300 million rubles 2021 2019 2017: Debut issue of bonds the Notes CarMoney (LLC MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY "KARMANI") - online service of autoloans. The history 2023 Opening of a Credit Line on 350 million rubles in "TKB Bank" the CarMoney Service attracted 350 million rubles on financing the current activity. The credit line is open in PAO "TKB Bank" for a period of 36 months till August...
Saratikyan Artem
Satina Tatyana
Zinovyev Anton
Skripilev Grigory
Yevdakov Konstantin