At businesses demand for insurance cargo transportation] gre

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First of all insure transportation of cars, spare parts and goods national consumption Insurers fix increase in demand for insurance cargo transportation in the first half of the year in comparison with last year's indicators, including after leaving of the western players, representatives "the Absolute of insurance", VSK and "Spassky gate" which are engaged in such types of insurance told daily business newspaper "Vedomosti". Collecting "the Absolute of insurance" in a half-year grew by 60% year by a year, the first deputy director generals Victor Alekseevich Krivosheev speaks. Awards of companies in a segment of cargo transportation, by data Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia), in January –...
Victor Alekseevich Krivosheev
Last position: The board member - the First Deputy CEO (LLC "ABSOLUT STRAKHOVANIYE")
Stulov Maxime
Kostikova Tatyana
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance