Vladimir Putin thanked officially to heads of spiritual managements of Muslims

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Moscow, 4 Sep – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin declared thanks to chairmen of Spiritual managements Muslims Russian Federation to Ravil Gaynutdin and Spiritual meeting of Muslims Russian Federation to Albir Krganov, is reported in the decree "About Encouragement" on an official portal of legal information. "For merits before in preparation and carrying out celebration of the 1100 anniversary of adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria to thank officially President of the Russian Federation: to Ravil Gaynutdin – to the chairman of TSENTRALIZOVANNAYA RO DUKHOVNOE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE MUSULMAN ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII, Moscow...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Ravil Gaynutdinov (Ravil Gaynutdin)
Last position: Director (FUND DUMRF)
Albir Krganov
Last position: Mufti of Spiritual meeting of Muslims of Russia (TSENTRALIZOVANNAYA RO DUKHOVNOYE SOBRANIYE MUSULMAN RUSSIA)
Berdiev Ismail
Abdullaev Ahmed