OMK, State corporation "Rosatom" and Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi" will bring together more than 300 ecovolunteers in South Ural

@Metallosnabzhenie i sbyt
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From September 3 to September 8 in Chelyabinsk passes a forum of volunteers of "Ekolidera". More than 300 activists of ecological volunteer movement of OMK group, State corporation "Rosatom" and Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi" from 12 regions Russian Federation become participants of a forum. The most part of the program is a training of volunteers in the best practicians in the sphere of ecology and an exchange of experience with leaders in the field of conservation. In OMK ecological volunteer movement is a separate direction of ecological education, it enters the accepted climatic strategy of companies. Ecovolunteers get grants on development projects within competitions "OMK Partnership". Since 2023 the ecological...