In Kupchino arranged Shufutinov denyaktrisa a postscoring Andronova Alena accused bank of sale its voices Daniel Kolter Reynolds of fragmentary shorts bragged of powerful muscles to Georgia Natalia Rudova told about inadequate pokl...

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On September 3 there were one more holiday thanks to the Russian chansonnier Proshlo 30 years as was born and the song of "The third of September" music for which wrote Igor Krutoy, and verses — Nikolaev Igor was for the first time executed by Mikhail Shufutinsky. In honor of this anniversary in Petersburg Kupchino organized a holiday which called "Shufutinov day". The song received the second life thanks to development social networks and to emergence of such type of creativity as memes. Someone incidentally paid attention to a mistake in one phrase where instead of calendar browsing the hero overturns it. Telegram told Mash...
Daniel Kolter Reynolds (Dan Reynolds)
Last position: Singer, founder of the rock group Imagine Dragons
Mikhail Shufutinsky
Last position: Singer, musical producer, performer
Igor Krutoy
Last position: Composer, musical producer, singer
Natalia Rudova
Last position: Actress
Andronova Alena