Formula-3. Italy. Edgar won the last race of a season, Bedrin Nikita and 8 more pilots descended, O'Sallivan became vice-champion

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The racer "MT Motorsport" Johnny Edgar won the main arrival of "Formula-3" in Monza – final race of a season-2023. Johnny Edgar struggled for a victory with "Prema's" pilot Zac O'Sallivanom and managed to constrain the rival on the last restart. The third place on a final circle was pulled out by the representative "Yentsera" Barnard Taylor in battle with Cayo Collet ("Van Amersfort"), the fifth the new champion Gabriel Bortoleto from "Traydent" finished. Arrival repeatedly interrupted accidents and departures of the car of safety. Nine pilots, including Bedrin Nikita from "Yentser", the winner of sprint Franco Colapinto ("MT descended...
Bedrin Nikita
Johnny Edgar
Barnard Taylor
Marti Pep
Aron Paul