In Moscow Art Theatre in a season 2023 — 2024 will put performances Azarov Denise, Marat Gatsalov and Petr Shereshevsky

@Zhurnal Teatr
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Today, on September 2, in Moscow Art Theatre of a name of Chekhov passed collecting troupe. The art director Konstantin Khabensky told theaters about plans for the 126th season. The first premiere of a season 2023 — 2024 in Moscow Art Theatre becomes performance of Yury Kvyatkovsky "Curtain" according to the documentary play Andrey Stadnikov. About this work created on the basis of interview to actresses and employees Art theaters, Konstantin Khabensky spoke before last season. The performance "Curtain" devoted to the 125 anniversary of Moscow Art Theatre, for the first time will play on the Small scene on September 28 and 29. On October 10 and 11 there will take place a premiere of other statement announced earlier — performance Petr Shereshevsky...