"For the sake of life": Kharebova Martha will make a speech at commemorative events in Beslan

@IA "Res"
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The performer from South Ossetia Kharebova Martha will participate in a concert requiem of a symphonic orchestra of the State philharmonic hall Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. As told "Res" the singer, the concert will take place in school No. 1 in Beslan where there was an act of terrorism 19 years ago. "On action I will for the first time sing the song "Prayer" of the author Dorokhovsky Anatoly which specially prepared for this concert", - Kharebova Martha told. MARSALANA is the owner of six Grand Prix of various competitions. Last year Kharebova Martha became the silver prize-winner the international vocal competitions to "SANREMO STARS" to Italy. Also...