In Miloslavskoe district 11 first graders went to the repaired school

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This year at the Central school Miloslavskoe district the first call rang out for 11 first graders. Gotsman Olga becomes the first teacher for them. Guests of honor of a holiday became the chief of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OBRAZOVANIYA Zenkina Natalia, the acting the head of administration Roman Konstantinovich Barkov. Also deputy chief of State inspection of construction supervision of area Plisova Irina and head of administration of the Central city settlement Chistyakova Helena. They congratulated all with […] the Message In Miloslavskoe district 11 first graders went to the repaired school appeared at first on PUBLISHING HOUSE "the PRESS...
Roman Konstantinovich Barkov
Last position: Acting as head (Administration of the municipal entity Miloslavskoye municipal district of the Ryazan region)
Gotsman Olga
Zenkina Natalia
Plisova Irina
Chistyakova Helena
State inspection of construction supervision of area
Government Agency