TOP-5 film premieres of September-2023: Uma Karuna Turman and elite group of star mercenaries

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Woody Allan, Uma Karuna Turman, Samuel Leroy Jackson, Megan Deniz Foks, Jason Stetkhem, Maykl Silvestr Gardentsio Stallone – headliners of the next film premieres at the Russian movie theaters. BFM-Novosibirsk submits the TOP-5 version of the movies which premiere is appointed to September. In a September selection of the best film premieres according to the version BFM-Novosibirsk: anniversary 50th movie of one of the greatest directors of the present of Woody Allan; the Hollywood comedy thriller with magnificent Uma Karuna Turman; the razukhabisty fighter with Jason Stetkhem, Maykl Silvestr Gardentsio Stallone and Dolf Lundgren in one holder; mystical horror about research...