The movie of the graduate GIKIT is recognized by the best documentary cinema at a festival Lendoc Film Festival

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News SPBGIKIT Are summed up on August 31, 2023 the results of the IV International film festival of Lendoc Film Festival (Saint Petersburg). In competition a documentary films the victory was won by the graduate GIKIT, the pupil Alexander Nikolaevich Sokurov Dobrynin Nikita, removed a tape "Vad'd'a. Drudgeries". It is the movie about the ancient disappearing people the Vod (Votes). Shootings were conducted in the village of the Puddle Leningrad Region. Because of industrial building Votes can forever lose communication with the earth. On a film festival of Lendoc Film Festival this year more than 200 demands from various regions Russian Federation and the countries Commonwealth of Independent States arrived. The international competition was...
Alexander Nikolaevich Sokurov
Last position: Film director, screenwriter
Natalia Meshchaninova
Last position: Film director, screenwriter
Dobrynin Nikita
Karzhoev Adilet
Chetvertukhin Sergei