The administrator of club of Novosibirsk fans of XK "SIBIR" unexpectedly died in Kazakhstan

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The chief manager of club of fans of XK "SIBIR" Khlapova Catherina died at the age of 30 years. Information on it gave in the HK official group on a social network "VKontakte". "Friends, with a deep regret we report that yesterday one of the most wonderful fans of our club, the chief manager of group of the fans, the most talented, strong and light person Khlapova Catherina" untimely died, - is spoken in the message. The unexpected death occurred in Kazakhstan where Khlapova Catherina arrived on a visit to parents. Its death became the real shock for a family and acquaintances. "Khlapova Catherina went in...
Rodion Amirov
Main activity:Athlete
Alexander Salak
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Dinamo" (Riga))
Khlapova Catherina