To Republic of Ingushetia actively study history of national cinema

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On the basis of the Memorial complex to victims of repressions there takes place the Motion Picture Art of Ingushetia video exhibition devoted stories of formation of the Ingush cinema, told to the correspondent of the Serdalo newspaper in the press service Ministry culturesRepublic of Ingushetia. "Exhibition, museums prepared by workers, acquaints visitors with a long and hard way which there passed the cultural figures working and continuing to work for national cinema. The presentation includes information on known screenwriters on all country and film experts Akhushkov Shamil and Kotiev Berd, the director Sulambek Akhmetovich Mamilov, talented...
Sulambek Akhmetovich Mamilov
Main activity:Cultural worker
Tamara Yandieva
Main activity:Cultural worker
Akhushkov Shamil
Kotiev Berd
Naurbiev Ruslan