Prosecutor's office attracted to the answer hospital Republic of Karelia where incorrectly made the diagnosis

@MK.RU Karelija
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As reported in prosecutor's office Republic of Karelia, doctors State budgetary health care institution "Belomorskaya central repair base" incorrectly made the diagnosis to the 63-year-old man. Check showed that physicians allowed a set of violations when rendering the medical care, including did not conduct a complex obligatory researches. Because of it to the patient incorrectly diagnosed an illness. In this regard Prosecutor's office of the Belomorsk district of the Republic of Karelia obliged hospital to eliminate violations and "Belomorsky TsRB" attracted the legal entity to administrative responsibility State budgetary health care institution "Belomorskaya central repair base" Republic of Karelia interfered with history with a pug whom bit to death alabai...