The premiere of the animated film "Zverogonshchiki" will take place at online movie theaters on August 31

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On August 31 the current year the animated film "Zverogonshchiki" release (6%2B) at online movie theaters will take place. As the scriptwriter and the director Ross Venokur acted. Roles sounded: Jonathan Kimbl Simmons, Kliz John, Catherine Jane Ford, Sharon Lorensiya Khorgan, Jimmy O. Yang, Bennet Chloe and others. ASSOCIATION "SILKVEY RALLI" – special race. Speed limits, various landscapes and only the best zverogonshchik of the world. However, it does not concern a lory of Zhi, a lovely fluffy small animal with big eyes and kind heart. He is not lucky on races, but he has to bypass by all means the champion Archie Velikvalepny to rescue the house. Let's wish it...
Jonathan Kimbl Simmons
Last position: Actor
Catherine Jane Ford (Catherine Teyt)
Last position: Actress, screenwriter
Kliz John
Bennet Chloe