The authorities Romania will check all gas station in the country after explosions

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Kishinev, 27 AVG - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The prime minister Romania Marchel Cholaku after explosions disposed to check all gas-filling stations, gas station which do not conform to requirements, will be closed on a place. Some explosions happened at gas station on Saturday in the city of Krevediya of the district Judet of Dambovita that there is in 13 kilometers from the capital Romania. According to the Inspectorate on emergency situations, one person was lost and 57 suffered. The State Offices of Public Prosecutor Romania opened criminal case. The first victim was the man who had a heart attack, it had no burns. "From tomorrow all gas-filling stations in the country will be...
Marchel Cholaku
Last position: Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania (Parlament Romania)