The landing of eminent karatekas and masters of single combats landed on Baikal. The star of cinema Sergei Nikolaevich Badyuk and other known athletes to Republic of Buryatia was brought by the most titled Buryat karateka Garmaev Benjamin, reports

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The landing of eminent karatekas and masters of single combats landed on Baikal. The star of cinema Sergei Nikolaevich Badyuk and other known athletes to Republic of Buryatia was brought by the most titled Buryat karateka Garmaev Benjamin, reports UlanMedia (Ulanmedia). The master class on karate taikay passed on Baikal in page. Dry. Garmaev Benjamin not for the first time brings to the republic of stars of single combats. It — the repeated champion Russian Federation, Europe the world, the champion Japan, the winner of national award RSBI "Gold Belt", the master of martial arts. He told as to train kata to win at competitions, about Yakusoka kumite in...