Barkli Charles: "You the truth think, what Karri Stef would undergo testing for durability from "Bad guys"? You really think, what it would not break? "
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The member Zala of glory Barkli Charles on air of the next release of a podcast of the known sports expert Simmons Bill expressed opinion that the 4-fold champion of NBA Karri Stefen could not play an era "bad guys" and contact basketball. "Agree that now it is much easier to play basketball because it is impossible to hit anybody. As though I loved Stef Karri Stef, and I love Stef Karri Stefen, you can imagine if "Bad guys" beat it within an inch of the life? You can imagine it? As though I loved Stef Karri Stef, you the truth think that he could bear those blows which put...