The number of victims at explosions to Romania grew to 57 people

@RIA Novosti
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Kishinev, 27 AVG - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". As a result of explosions at gas station in the Romanian city of Krevediya 58 people one of which was lost suffered, reported a general inspectorate on emergency situations Romania. Four explosions happened at gas station on Saturday in the city of Krevediya of the district Judet of Dambovita that is in 13 kilometers from Bucharest. Earlier Ministry health care of Romania reported that one person was lost and 46 suffered, the part from them will be delivered to Italy and Belgium. ""In the city of Krevediya of the district Judet of Dambovita occurred some explosions on filling of the liquefied oil gas as a result of which 58 people, one suffered...