The book "Indraguzik" Eugenie Prigozhin rose in price in one thousand times

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Eugenie Prigozhin sell the children's book "Indraguzik" on Avito Holding AB for 3,6 million rubles. It was noticed by Telegram "SHOT Proverka". Eugenie Prigozhin wrote it together with children 20 years ago. On a plot Indraguzik got to the country of little men to Indraguzy and rescued the governor. In the book the main character lives on a chandelier in theater, travels on a stream, goes to the subway in the magazine curtailed into a tubule and searches for a magic flute. In 2003 the author described the book as the world of the childhood. "And still: our Indraguzik helped with this book to the king and rescued the kingdom, in future book he has to make something heroic"...