Movies free of charge will show on a film festival in Volgograd - learned how there to get

@Bloknot Volgograda
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Three-day free film screenings will take place within the second open Russian film festival "The Volgograd torch". From August 28 to August 30 to inhabitants of Volgograd will show eight full-length pictures, 11 short films and 13 dokumentalok. Everyone can register in sessions. The main thing - to be in time. Displays of 32 Russian movies will take place on a platform movie theaters "Sinem's Empire" in shopping center "Piramida". It is possible to make a reservation in advance on online platforms e. On August 28 the Hall 1, competition feature films 15:00 - "Gold bronze", the director Igor Kopylov submits the Movie the producer Zhadanov Svetoslav...
Olga Lapshina
Last position: Actress
Igor Kopylov
Last position: Director, screenwriter
Tatyana Yakovenko
Last position: Actress, TV host, producer
Kapitonov Yvan
Morozova Margaret