News about permafrost: thawing bulgunnyakha, influence of snow on greenhouse gases and joint merzlotny ranges about China

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Photo: "The northern look" Thawing bulgunnyakha to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic In the village Chakyr ulus Churapchinsky Sakha (Yakutia) Republic thawed the natural hill formed because of a vspuchivaniye of an ice kernel. Heights of a merzlotny form arise when water under peat freezes and turns into ice. Such hills in the republic call bulgunnyakhi, they reach 30-40 meters in height and appear among the boggy lake plains which have overgrown by peat bogs. As a result of thawing top of the hill the crater with ice walls failed and turned out, reports UlusMedia. Deputy director IMZ HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY Alexander Fedorov...