Poster of the Moscow theaters

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"High wire act" Oleg Tabakov's STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION OF THE MOSCOW CITY "THEATER OLEGA TABAKOVA" the Director Vladimir Lvovich Mashkov In performance are occupied: Wladyslaw Miller, Naumov Wladyslaw, Kasimov Arthur, Sevastyan Smyshnikov, Khokhlov Yegor and other the Interesting fact the Actors conjuring in performance, took lessons from professional illusionists Sevastyan Smyshnikov, Kasimov Arthur, Naumov Wladyslaw and Wladyslaw Miller to the Photo: Masalkov Eugenie At Oleg Tabakov's STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION OF THE MOSCOW CITY "THEATER OLEGA TABAKOVA" last season was closed a loud premiere of the performance "High wire act" according to the play by Antonov Oleg. This statement rattled in the 90th years, direction young Vladimir Lvovich Mashkov was remembered...