How to distinguish heartaches

@Argumenty nedeli
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On itself experienced the phrase "heart hurts". Pains covered really on the left side, there was a small short wind, and tablets like nitroglycerine too did not help. Called "ambulance", but there almost at once told that pain at me is not connected with heart. And after small inspection told that problems with a gastrointestinal path (ZhKT), and recommended to address to the expert. And still told that cardiac pain usually does not happen at the left. And what then symptoms at cardiac pain? And where it is felt? Alexander Nikolaevich Svidrov, Voronezh Warm as it seems to us, pains can sometimes not be those. It seems to us...
Alexander Nikolaevich Svidrov
Last position: The first vice-preziden (VOLGOGRAD CITY TPP)