Captain "Tulitsa" Olga Yefimov: "On collecting big loadings, but we suffer! "

@Moja Sloboda
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The volleyball player in interview of local portal "" told how the team prepares for a season. Olga Yefimov got over to Tula from Chelyabinsk — the volleyball player won back the previous season for "Dinamo-Metar". the 33-year-old sportswoman acts on a position binding. Olga Yefimov — the beginner "Tulitsa" and the captain. Together with collective it now prepares for a new season. Collecting takes place in Anapa. — On one of trainings the trainer's staff declared that I will be a captain. Actually, it is not so easy as it seems. It not simple any stripe on a form, is continuous contact with trainers and little girls. Quickly got used to a role...