The son of the director of the animated film "Snow White and Seven Gnomes" spoke against a remake

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The animator David Makleyn Kheyl the Hand, whose father was one of founders of sign Disney's project, sharply scarified the forthcoming film adaptation. Let's remind that in the movie "Snow White" which premiere is planned for the next year, the title role will be played by the winner of "The gold globe" Reychel Anne Zegler ("Vestsaydsky history"), and in an image of the Angry queen there will be a saga star about the Wonderful female Gal Gadot. In one of recent interviews Zegler declared that "The Snow White and seven gnomes" — is outdated history. In reply the Hand gave the developed comment to newspaper "The Daily Telegraph", having called offensive...
Gal Gadot
Last position: Actress, model
David Makleyn Kheyl
Last position: Deputy state secretary for political affairs (State department of the United States of America)
Reychel Anne Zegler
Last position: Actress, singer
Dodd David
Disney Uolt