At opening of alternative University games only two ministers stayed, the others — ran away. Photo

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The VIP left opening of the International Festival of University Sports (IFUS) in Yekaterinburg ahead of time, without having begun to wait for the concert termination. It passed in MVTs LLC "Yekaterinburg-Ekspo", the correspondent of Russian information company "URA.Ru" reports...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Yevgeny Kuyvashev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Sverdlovsk region)
Vladimir Yakushev
Last position: Plenipotentiary of the President (Office of the President'S Authorized Representative of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District)
Dmitry Chernyshenko
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)
Igor Levitin
Main activity:Official