The actress Maria Ivashchenko from series "Youth team" married

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The festive event took place on June 26. Celebrity and its beloved, Stanislas Aleksandrovich Raskachaev, undersigned for the Khamovniki REGISTRY OFFICE Moscow. Maria Ivashchenko from series "Youth team" admitted that quarantine became excellent check of feelings. "Now we – a family! " – the actress in social networks declared. Also the star of a TV series published a photo on which it and her elect show wedding rings on ring fingers. After that in Maria Ivashchenko there was one more wedding shot. According to a celebrity, he is made the professional photographer. On a photo Maria Ivashchenko hides behind the back of the newly made...
Stanislas Aleksandrovich Raskachaev
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Maria Ivashchenko
Last position: Actress, singer
Morozova Aline