"My voice": Inna Malikova fell a victim of swindlers

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The singer Inna Malikova got to an unpleasant situation. Swindlers, having used its voice and having cracked the page in social networks, began to ask from her acquaintances the large sums on credit. About it the performer learned during tours in Saint Petersburg. One of her acquaintances wrote and took an interest, whether all at it as it should be. It appeared that cunning swindlers tried to elicit fraudulently money at her acquaintances in Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) ". Malefactors do strange posts from my name and dispatch voice messages on all contacts with a request to borrow 250-350 thousand rubles. With help Neural networks recreated my voice and...
Inna Malikova
Last position: Singer, musical producer, TV host
Joseph Prigozhin
Last position: Musical producer
Malikova Irina