Prio-Vneshtorgbank team PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PRIO-VNESHTORGBANK" will hide a treasure on the Voronezh earth

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In next (already to the fifth) time PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PRIO-VNESHTORGBANK" goes to expedition to hide a treasure. This year residents of Ryazan went to the Voronezh earth. Let's remind, in a year of the 30 anniversary banks — in the summer of the 2019th, the chairman of the board Roman Ganishin wanted to give a gift not only to collective, but also the world — that who likes to travel, learn, look for and to find. banks celebrated birthday on Baikal where hided a treasure. That was found not without helps a bear, will of a case and the highest forces therefore decided not to throw an invention. So, last year treasures looked for already to Ryazan Region on Paustovsky's track...