The astrologer told how to pick up to the child suitable sports section

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On zodiac sign it is possible to tell about tendencies of the child to certain sports. About it 24-hour city information TV channel "Moskva 24" was told by the astrologer Grokhotova Anastasia. According to her, Arieses differ vigor, aspiration to a victory and passion. Thus they are impatient and badly are able to play in team. Such children best of all will accept sprint, skates, to karate, sambo, tennis, fencing, skis and rowing, the astrologer listed. Small Tauruses are a persistence and thoroughness. It is good to them to do swimming, a snowboard, boxing, and also static sports in which are required persistence and...
Olga Nikolaeva
Last position: The associate professor at department of the theory and a technique of sports (NGU NAMED AFTER P. F. LESGAFTA, OF THE SAINT PETERSBURG CITY)
Grokhotova Anastasia
Sipko Mikhail