LLC "YANDEKS" is filled in by ice: about what tells contracts companies from Continental hockey league

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Continental hockey league and LLC "YANDEKS" declared conclusion of agreement about partnership. Within this partnership at Kinopoisk online movie theater all matches of league and translation of special events which are played by Continental hockey league will be shown. magazine "Forbes" asked experts that this partnership can give to the parties, why online movie theaters sports translations and how serious threat pose today strimingi for traditional TV from the point of view of the competition for the sports viewer Soglasheniye between Continental hockey league and by LLC "YANDEKS" is calculated on five years, since the season 2023/2024 starting 1...
Denise Kuskov
Last position: CEO (LLC "Telecom Deyli")
Oleg Nikolaevich Manzha
Last position: Director general of agency of sports marketing of "Sportima" (LLC "Sportima International")
Kirill Tanaev
Last position: Director (Independent noncommercial organization "Higher education institution sovremennykh Media")
Bobylev Sergei
Yefimov Anton
Main activity:Communication and IT
Yandex LLC
Main activity:Communication and IT
Amazon. com, Inc
Main activity:Retail trade