The star of "Youth team" tempted the mistress in the face of the wife

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The first spouse Vladimir Ivanovich Zaytsev was the actress Galina Anisimov. Young people got acquainted in theatrical school, after a while began to live together, and after got married. Vladimir Ivanovich Zaytsev notes that was not passionately in love with the darling. "Honestly, forgive, Galina Anisimov though she knows it, the passion was not. We lived together seven years and never swore, we had no claims to each other, we were half free people. By such principle to build a family it is impossible", – the actor noticed. Already working at theater, the actor fell in love with the colleague on shop Tatyana Shumova. Vladimir Ivanovich Zaytsev long did not decide to approach to the beauty – she...
Tatyana Shumova
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Vladimir Ivanovich Zaytsev
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")