Dmitry Trishkin: special operation changed a complete set of first-aid kits of fighters of VS Russian Federation

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In first-aid kits of the Russian military personnel as Dmitry Trishkin noted, there is all most necessary - for example, tactical scissors and elastichesky turnstile plaits. © Video: all-Russia state broadcasting TV channel "Zvezda" © Photo: all-Russia state broadcasting TV channel "Zvezda" the Chief Glavnogo of military-medical managements MO Russian Federation Dmitry Trishkin in conversation with "Star" declared that special military operation made changes to a complete set of first-aid kits of the Russian fighters. "Special operation made the changes to a complete set and our first-aid kits individual, and bags the first aids - bags medical assistant's, bags pharmaceutical. Their complete set changed from last year",-...
Dimitri Trishkin
Last position: Chief of the Head military-medical department (Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation)
Baranov Nicholas