The youthful national team Moldova till 16 years. Defeat from rivals is more senior

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The youthful national team on soccer (U-16) lost Moldova. The only goal in a line-up Mardar Andrey was hammered by Ion Prisekar. The youthful national team acted in the following structure: Lebedev Nikita (Suruchanu Bogdan, 46), Rusanovsky Nikita (to Yurku Mario, 46), Pavlenko Nikita (Daniel Treista, 46), Sharpe Nikita (Fenin Andrey, 46), Alexander Negure (Graty Victor, 79), Yenaki Ion (Daniel Borisovich Gladkov, 46), Zhosan Nikita (Suruchanu Sebastian, 46), Roshka Bogdan (Syrgi Julian...
Daniel Borisovich Gladkov
Last position: Head of department (Northwestern Federal District administration of state maritime and river supervision of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision)
Mardar Andrey
Lebedev Nikita
Suruchanu Bogdan
Rusanovsky Nikita