To school students the deputy of Legislative assembly] helped to solve riddles of the Novosibirsk embankmen

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Excursion quest was organized for children of the settlement of Station Oyashinsky Moshkovo district. In the end of school vacation Helena Tyrina together with the Staff of public support "Riddles of the Novosibirsk embankment" organized for school students excursion quest. School students were divided into two teams — "Budagovtsa" and "Tikhomirovtsa" — in honor of engineers-puteytsev thanks to whom in Novonikolayevsk there was the first railway bridge. Children solved various puzzles: collected puzzles, deciphered the code written by the Morse alphabet, looked for helps on monuments, solved riddles and for it received...
Helena Tyrina
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on transport, industrial and information policy (Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk region)