In the Bundestag Annalena Charlotte Alma Berbok] urge the government to change on regular flights after breakage of the liner of chapter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany </"4"

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Airbus A340 Government of Federative Republic of Germany %26copy Photo Rafał Gruszczyński from a site August 15, 2023, – the Deputy of the Bundestag (parliament Germany) from the Left-wing Party (LWP) Gezine Letch after breakage of the governmental liner glavymid Germany Annalena Berbokairbus of A340 "Konrad Adenauer" called website "Aviation EXplorer" in the future to use regular flights for the trips instead of governmental planes. About it soobshchayettass. "My experience shows that there are enough reliable airlines which the federal government can reserve", - declared Letch to the Der magazine...