In RSO Suburb – Republic of North Ossetia-Alania before court will appear the local for threat of murder to the spouse, deliberate causing heavy harm to health of the neighbor, entailed on imprudence his death, and other crimes

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In Prosecutor's office of the Prigorodny district of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania the indictment on criminal case concerning the 50-year-old local is approved. He is accused according to p.1 Art. 119 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (threat of murder), p.1 by Art. 167 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (deliberate destruction of someone else's property), h. 4 Art. 111 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (deliberate causing heavy harm to health), p.1 Art. 161 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (robbery). According to the investigators, in February, 2023 the accused made scandal with the spouse with whom at that time in common did not live, offended her and, threatening with a kitchen knife, persuaded to return to it. In April 2023...