It is impossible to pardon: the ambassador of United States of America to Australia allowed transfer Julian Paul Assange home in case of recognition of the fault by him

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The ambassador of United States of America to Australia Kerolayn Buvye Kennedy assumed that the potential transaction with recognition of fault is able to allow the founder of Informatsionny sayt WikiLeaks to Julian Paul Assange to return home. Kennedy added that the conclusion of such agreement eventually depends not on diplomats, and on a position United States Department of Justice, however the decision "is absolutely possible". Earlier chapter United States Department of State Anthony John Blinken declared that the question of further destiny Julian Paul Assange is very sensitive for Washington D.C.. Political scientists note that conversations on probable delivery Julian Paul Assange happen against political rapprochement of United States of America and Australia, however...
Julian Paul Assange
Last position: Founder (WikiLeaks)
Kerolayn Buvye Kennedy
Last position: Writer, politician, lawyer
Anthony John Blinken
Last position: State secretary (State department of the United States of America)
Anthony Norman Albaniz (Anthony Albenizi)
Last position: Prime minister (Government Australian Union)
Priti Sushil Patel
Last position: Member of the House of Commons of Great Britain from the district Uitem (Parliament United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)