Samara Region concluded the agreement at International military and technical forum "Army"

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It became known that at the International military and technical International military and technical forum "Army" JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "NOVIKOMBANK" and Government of the Samara region concluded the cooperation agreement. Signatures under it put the chairman of the board JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "NOVIKOMBANK" Helena Georgieva and Governor OF Samara Region Dmitry Azarov. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "NOVIKOMBANK" within contracts will provide with financial support important projects of the region on social and economic development. In addition, representatives banks will begin to participate in joint actions and consultations on subjects actual for the region. Chairman of the board JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "NOVIKOMBANK" Helena Georgieva...