Who was killed by Vulf Virginia: as women found themselves and the force thanks to literature

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How many there is a literature, there are writers so much. But in the 1970th there was "a female letter" — the special literary direction which representatives looked for an own voice and threw down a challenge to a literary canon. We understand as they were affected by the French philosophy and who was killed by Vulf Virginia "It seems than that it is simpler: write articles and buy on the fee of cats — Vulf Virginia wrote to the essay "Female Professions" in 1931. — However wait a moment. Articles after all have to be about something. Washing, it is remembered, was about the novel of one well-known author. And while I wrote it, it was found out that to me...
Nicole Marie Kidman
Last position: Actress, singer, producer
Vulf Virginia
Gilbert Sandra
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