Xavi is removed for disputes with judges. The trainer of "Barsa" demanded a penalty in gate Football club "Khetafe" for Abde's falling

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The trainer of "Barcelona" Xavi is removed for disputes with arbitrators of a match Football club "Khetafe". On the 69th minute of game of the 1st round Soccer championship of Spain the halfback of Catalans Abde Ezzalzuli fell in a penalty area in fight against the defender of the rival to Dzhene Dakonam Ortega. The arbitrator Cesar Soto Grado decided that in this episode there was no violation. The decision of judges revolted Xavi, and he started demanding actively from reserve judges foul or card fixing. For it the trainer removed. In the first time for blow the elbow in a temple to Alvares removed a vinger of "Barsa" of Rafinya, in the second – the forward Football club "Khetafe" Jaime Mat. sports online portal "Sports.ru" conducts text online translation of a match...